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You may be wondering what in the world you have to do with a title like this. You may even consider yourself nowhere near those God would ever think of calling but then; something I want to bring to your notice is the fact that those God ever called weren’t necessarily the spectacular ones. They weren’t those you call the happening guys or those who could even stand a chance amongst their peers. They were just ordinary people in whom God’s ability was mightily at work to do the extraordinary! So don’t be quick to conclude that you can’t be amongst the called because you will be surprised to know that you are right on top of that list!


One time, the Lord Jesus made a very disturbing statement in line with teaching about the kingdom and how it functions. He said “many are called but few are chosen” In other words, Jesus was saying that even though the call of God is free and unmerited, many of the called just end up at being numbered amongst the called whereas there is more. At best, most of the called only get shortlisted but never picked out, nominated but never awarded!


As such, the questions I endeavored to answer in this book are:

“Why is it that of the many that are called only few are chosen?” What is it about the few that are chosen that the majority are not privy to? What is the basis for choosing only few after so many had been selected or enlisted?”


Come right on as you discover what puts just a few in God’s top list. I am convinced in my heart that this will revolutionize your entire life and put springs in your feet as you set out for the actualization of the purposes of God for your life. And I will like to heartily say congratulations in advance for making it to God’s elite class!

Why Many are Called but Few are Chosen

ISBN: 978-1495424663

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