Meeting With Jesus
Hello! I will like to introduce you to someone very special. Everyone I know who met Him had a story to tell. It was a story of transformation, a story of hope and a story of a secure future. When the meek met Him, they had the gospel preached to them. When the broken hearted met Him, they receive a new heart that can never be broken again! When the captives of all sort met Him, they met with their liberty. For shame, He gives double, for pain, He give gain, for sorrow, He gives joy unspeakable!
When mourners met Him they were comforted beyond the comfort they knew before they lost the dear one for whom they were mourning! They received beauty in place of ashes, the ever flowing oil of joy and a garment of praise for their heavy spirits.
Upon meeting and accepting Him, sinners become trees of righteousness and the righteousness of God. What manner of man is this Jesus? He is everything you could ever imagine or consider and everything you could ever want out of life. To the orphan he is a Father, to the widow a husband, to the distressed a comforter. To
the students a teacher, to the accused a counselor, to the sick – the great physician and to the poor a supplier! He said “come to me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls]”.
There was a certain mad man who was too mad to be kept in chains for he violently plucked the chains asunder and tormented everyone around him until no one could stay around him again. He lived in mountains and tombs because it was only the dead he could not torment but one day he met with Jesus and after a short conversation, he was sitting responsibly, with his clothes on and in his right senses. Only Jesus heals mad men without sending them to a rehabilitation center.
The dumb met Him and spoke, the blind met Him and saw, and the lame met Him and walked. Even the amputated met Him and grew new limbs instantaneously! I will not forget to mention the case of another man who had been sick for thirty eight long years and met Jesus one day. With one sentence, Jesus changed the man’s history for good! Thirty eight years disease ended in a twinkle of an eye.
Can you imagine what would become of you if you met with this Jesus today? He would not only change your situation and circumstances but would change your entire life like He did to countless others who have met with Him. He would remove that life that is subject to this world and its systems from you and give you a different life. It is called eternal life – the very life of God Himself that He sent Jesus to share abroad for the people of the world..
You are the reason Jesus came to this world and today He is beckoning on you to allow Him gain entrance into your life. He wants to take up residence in your heart and never have to leave again! All you would have to do is to believe in Him, confess His lordship over your life and instantaneously, you will enjoy the greatest miracle in all of history – the rebirth of a man unto a lifetime of hope in Christ Jesus.
To meet with this Jesus here and now, simply say the words of the prayer of salvation below loud to yourself and click here to contact us immediately for more information on how you can increasingly live this Jesus–life to the maximum capacity!
Congratulations! You are now born again! Welcome to the family of God!